
Petition Background

My advocacy for a UN 5WWC has to do with building toward a critical mass, through women’s circles and grassroots efforts—(critical mass/tipping point = shift in the morphic field and collective consciousness)--the pattern through which what women did between 1963 and the beginning of the‘70’s became the women’s movement. My reason for a wanting UN conference comes through what I informally learned at UN CSW meetings, especially hearing from women from Africa that they were able to meet and form friendships and alliances among themselves only in NY and only because it is a UN meeting. I was inspired to hear that when Wangari Maathai was jailed, that she had Bella’s phone number, and because of it, things turned out the way they did for her and the Green Belt movement. How else but through bonds formed at such meetings?

5WWC as a visionary intention is about empowering and supporting women through circles until there is gender balance and an end to dominance, aggression and conflict as the norms.  ~Jean Shinoda Bolen

In June 2007 5WWC began an online petition.  This original online petition has 3992 signatures from all over the world. It was replaced by a second more wordy petition in March 2007 that ran into difficulties. Only 380 signatures were collected because the online petition website began a for-fee program that gave the impression that a fee was now required. This brought the online petition circulation to a standstill. 

During this time 5WWC also circulated hard-copy petitions circulated from 2005–2007 and 1200 signatures were collected from the United States and Canada, one petition from France. We also made available for download petitions translated into eleven languages. 

There is new energy for the 5WWC petition effort. Let’s get as many signatures as possible between now and 2009 when the Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC) meets (4 weeks in July 2009). Discussion on a 5th UN World Conference on Women has been tabled until then. Support from ECOSOC irequired for there to be a UN 5th World Conference on Women.  Therefore, we are once again providing a link to the original online petition effort and making available once again the translated petitions. 

To sign the online petition, CLICK HERE.

To download one or more hard-copy petitions in various languages, CLICK HERE.