Supporting Organizations
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in support of a 5th World Conference on Women.
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United Nations Non-Governmental
Organizations (NGOs)
Supporting a 5th Women's World Conference
(Supporting NGOs to date: 32)
A World Institute for a Sustainable Humanity (A W.I.S.H.) is an international nonprofit organization whose mission is to provide models and support for life sustaining activities that integrate solutions to poverty and the environment while fostering self-reliance.
The Aman Foundation is a Karachi-based not-for-profit organization committed to the cause of human development working primarily in the fields of Health, Education and Food Security.
of Kenyan Housewives Against HIV/AIDS, a 200
member NGO based in Kenya whose mission is to empower women economically
and promote their Human Rights through Education and capacity
Association For Women in Psychology is a not-for-profit scientific and educational organization committed to encouraging feminist psychological research, theory and activism.
Association of
World Citizens (Ghana Branch) A
worldwide movement to create a Global Community for the 21st century
that is free from war and weapons of mass destruction; where disputes
between nations and peoples are settled through the framework of world
law, and where policy and resources are directed to human needs and
securing a healthy and sustainable environment for present and future
Catholic Network for Women’s Equality (CNWE) work for the ordination of women in the framework of the Catholic church and for equality for women in all aspects of church and society.
The mission of the Center
for Partnership Studies is to
advance human development by accelerating movement to partnership systems
through research, education, grassroots empowerment, and policy initiatives.
The partnership system supports our enormous human capacities for consciousness,
caring, and creativity. CPS is dedicated to building a culture of gender
and racial equity, economic justice, and a sustainable environment.
Enabling Ministry Pakistan is a libro-progressive Christian service ministry started in 1995 as our response to the Christian Brick Makers around Lahore District, Punjab, Pakistan. Our entire activities circle around bringing hopes and liberation assistance to the girls and women whose parents or guardians either bartered, sold, exchanged in marriages, bought in prostitution for debts and financial gains or who are at the risk of being sold. (680 members)
Findhorn Foundation is an educational charitable trust
and welcomes over 14.000 visitors a year for tours, educational programmes
and international conferences. The Findhorn Foundation through its
Ecovillage Project is a major resource for environmental education,
local, nationally and internationally.
Friends Welfare Association is non-governmental, non-profit,
non-political and non-sectarian organization, that was established
in Pakistan in 2002. This organization is registered under the society
act of 1860. Its main focus is to contribute to poverty alleviation
and rural development through holistic, participatory and gender balanced
approach and to provide quality education to needy,
homeless children and to protect children from all kinds of abuses
(physical, mental, social).
Mujeres en Igualdad: Mission is to fight discrimination
against women by promoting their social and political participation
and empowerment. Advocacy and accountability campaigns and networks
are implemented, as well as coalitions and alliances with NGOs, national
and international groups of political, civil, social leaders and feminist
organizations. M.E.I. counteracts gender violence -- most specially
trafficking in women -- through seminars, workshops and national/international
forums and through ITC: listserves and websites.
(Human Ever Work Abut Development) is a non-for-profit,
non-political, non-governmental registered organization.
HEWAD has been working in Balochistan since 2008 in the field
of Governance, Health and Nutrition, Environment, Relief
Services, Agriculture and Food, Education, Children & Youth
Development, Social and Culture Development, Special People, Women
Development, Focational Training and Humanitarian Assistance
for the needy people. HEWAD was registered in 2009 under the
voluntary social welfare agencies (Registration and Control) ordinance
1961 (XL VI of 1961). HEWAD has a group of sound volunteer professionals
on its Board who give direction to mainstream the activities towards
sustainable development.
Traffic Awareness Partnerships' mission of the Human Trafficking
Awareness Partnerships is to bring the issue of human trafficking to
the forefront of public awareness.
Institute of Peace and Development: We are working for peace, human rights,interfaith dialogue, conflict resolution of Kashmir, Palestine and women empowerment.
Institute of Human
Rights Communication, Nepal (IHRICON): An NGO
whose mission is to enable the establishment of a peaceful and just
society, respect and protection of human rights and media, and the
empowerment of women in the community, children and marginalized groups.
Women's Writing Guild, a network for the personal
and professional empowerment of women through writing, was founded
in 1976 and is an official non-governmental organization (NGO)
with consultative status at the United Nations Economic and Social
Council. Through conferences
and workshops it achieves its mission to encourage and hone the
act of writing and thinking as a whetting stone for personal growth
and societal leadership.
Mama na Dada-Africa is a non-profit, non-governmental organization formed by and for African women to support the empowerment of the African girl child. We are a registered charity in Bondo District and Nairobi, Kenya, East Africa. Our mission is to reduce the vulnerability to exploitation of girls in Africa through: Research into the barriers to girl’s education and development; Promotion of access to education, both formal and informal; Training to build self-esteem and learn life skills.
Marylanders for Progress is a not-for-profit, apolitical organization founded in 1999 to assist the people of Maryland County in Liberia rise themselves from the ruins of war, to develop improved living conditions though sustainable economic empowerment, education and health care with women at the forefront.
MOMS Club International of Nigeria: Mission is to improve the welfare of women and children especially women of child bearing age in rural communities.
National Council of Women of Canada is a NGO founded in 1893, incorporated
by an Act of Parliament in 1914. This vibrant, pro-active, credible
Council of Women reflects the diversity of society, encouraging
informed political decision making and public attitudes for the
well being of society, through research, education, consultation
and cooperation.
Across Borders humanitarian initiatives is an international
charitable non-government, not-for-profit organisation. Founded
in 1999 on the recognition that the vast majority of people worldwide
enjoy poor health care delivery services, arising from the dangers
of inadequate health care facilities, crises and conflicts, droughts,
disaster and famine, detrimental to full and good health. It is
the belief of NAB that health is everybody's business.
Partners in Population and
Development Mission is to assist each
other and other developing countries to address successfully the
sexual and reproductive health and rights, including family planning
and HIV/AIDS, population and development challenges through South-South
collaboration by raising a common voice and sharing sustainable,
effective, efficient, accessible and acceptable solutions considering
the diverse economic, social, political, religious and cultural
characteristics of our countries.
Sister Song mobilizes
women of color around our lived experiences by:
• bringing women of color together;
•encouraging our collective
sustainability through mentoring and self-help;
•providing a framework
that resonates with our lived experience, and
•organizing and mobilizing
to affect change.
Social Aid of Hellas (in consultative status with ECOSOC/UN): Mission Statement: Women's Rights are Human Rights is a reality. Gender Mainstreaming is an accomplishment. But we need much more in the domain of Women's active participation in our Global Society and we need to look carefully at the 8 Millennium Development Goals through woman's eyes and with a woman's perspective. We also need to pay attention to the Woman of Africa and how they are coping with all these perspectives.
Women fighting AIDS in Kenya (WOFAK) is a national non-governmental AIDS support organization with 17,000 members, established to provide quality care, support and empowerment to women and children infected and affected by HIV & AIDS, to enable them live positively with the infection. Wofak was founded in August 1993 by a group of women, the majority of whom were HIV-positive and those concerned. They came together to give support to one another due to rejection, stigmatization and discrimination as a result of their status. Most of these women had lost their spouses to HIV and were faced with the burden of supporting their families.
International is a non-profit, nongovernmental,
international organization in General Consultative Status
of ECOSOC and DPI Associates with the United Nations. WFWP
Chapters adhere to the principle that women, working together,
taking initiative and empowering one another across traditional
lines of race, culture and religion to create healthy families,
are resolving the complex problems of our societies and world.
Therefore, WFWP works to provide women worldwide with: the knowledge,
tools and support needed to create peace at home, peace in our communities,
our nations and our world.
Intercultural Network (WIN) is an international
non-profit organization, consultative to the United Nations, based
in San Francisco, CA, that links women and girls across cultures, globally
and locally for collective action on common critical concerns. WIN's
goal is to ensure that the voices of all women and girls are heard.
Interfaith Encounter Association is dedicated
to promoting peace in the Middle East through interfaith dialogue and
cross-cultural study. We believe that, rather than being
a cause of the problem, religion can and should be a source of the solution
for conflicts that exist in the region and beyond. (100 members)
UN Report Network (WUNRN) is a non-governmental organization
to implement the conclusions and recommendations of a United Nations
Study on Freedom of Religion of Belief and the Status of Women From
the Viewpoint of Religion and Traditions (E/CN.4/2002/73/Add.2). This
study is a major, universal, comprehensive U.N. approach to intolerance
and discrimination against women based on religion and traditions.
(1000+ members)
Women's World Summit Foundation is a non-profit, non-confessional,
International NGO with United Nations consultative status (ECOSOC,
UNFPA, DPI) to help implement women's and children's rights and the
United Nations Millennium Development Goals MDGs. Women and children
represent 75% of the world's population and need to be involved in
creating the space in which they live - a world for equality, development
and peace.
Other Organizations & Grassroots Movements
Supporting a 5th Women's World Conference
(Supporting Organizations to date: 88)
34 Million Friends of UNFPA was started to ask 34 million Americans to give at least one dollar to make up for the Bush Administration's refusal to release $34 million to the UNFPA every year.
ACODIF - Community Action for Integral Development in Fizi: Since 2005, ACODIF has been working in the territory of Fizi, DR Congo, in order to help the local population – a people impoverished by a decade of war and local conflict who are beginning to rebuild their lives. ACODIF trains its members, mostly young men and women, to help people find ways of breaking the cycle of violence in the country. They provide direct conflict resolution between parties in disagreement, as well as Human Rights & Development services. The only funds it currently receives are contributions from its members
Women's Network has served since
1996 as the portal to Alaska, not just for the women
of Alaska, but for tens of thousands of women from around the world.
Our commitment is to be the communications network for the women of
Alaska. Our website is based on the Platform for Action adopted at
the 1995 4th UN World Conference on Women in Beijing.
The American
Medical Women's Association is
an organization of 3000 members which functions at the local, national,
and international level to advance women in medicine and improve women's
health. We achieve this by providing and developing leadership, advocacy,
education, expertise, mentoring, and through building strategic alliances.
the Women Gather is the original gathering place for thousands of Women
around the globe. You might call us a Think Tank. We will trade ideas
and expertise about business, health, relationship, money, beauty,
foods, books and spirituality. We will showcase amazing women and their
businesses. We will shed a little tears but best of all we will share
a lot of laughter and success.
Arizona Women's Partnership, Inc. is an all volunteer philanthropic
501c3 nonprofit formed in 2002 to help under-served women and youth
at risk in Arizona. We come together with one goal in mind: namely,
to make a difference in the lives of others. The beneficiaries of our
fundraising efforts are small grassroots organizations that assist
under-served and disadvantaged women and their families. AZWP grant
recipients, all 501c3 non-profits are women and their families, including:
domestic violence, child abuse, literacy education and training, homelessness,
youth at risk, and the needs of refugee women. We raise money through
our annual fundraising events, business sponsorships and individual
Belle Aurore Productions believes that the world needs the voices of women's experience and is dedicated to bringing those voices to life on the stage and through readings of poetry, prose and plays written by women.
Birthing Project USA is the only national African American maternal and child health program in this country. We are a volunteer effort to encourage better birth outcomes by providing practical support to women during pregnancy and for one year after the birth of their children.
Chapter of the National
Organization for Women is a grassroots,
civil rights organization dedicated to women's rights issues. Our major
issues are: Putting the Equal Rights Amendment into the U.S. Constitution;
Protecting full reproductive rights; Ending discrimination based on
gender and sexual orientation; Stopping violence against women; Gaining
economic equality and opportunity.
The mission of Catholics for Choice Canada is to educate and advocate around freedom of choice for women in sexual and reproductive matters; and to speak out for freedom of conscience so that the public and policy makers know there are other legitimate opinions among Catholics than those of the Roman Catholic hierarchy.
The Center for Cultural, Educational, Economic and Social Studies is a 350 member organization in India whose mission is to study and promote human development issues, empowerment of women, and to work for peace, disarmament and human rights.
Center for Touch Drawing disseminates the simple yet
profound process of Touch Drawing for therapeutic, healing, creative
and spiritual applications.
Connections: Co-creating
a world of justice,
peace and environmental sustainability
one circle,
one connection,
one step at a time.
Coalitions for Change (C4C) seeks to build bridges between different interest groups to help create a more conducive climate of communication and cooperation to help Nigeria ultimately improve livelihoods by meeting the Millennium Development Goals.
The purpose of the Commission
on the Status of Women
of the City and County of San Francisco is
ensure women and girls equal economic, social, political
and educational
opportunities throughout the city.
Cowgirls INK: Art and Books That Turn Lives Into Legends
is a revolutionary woman and girl owned nationwide independent
membership based empowering media publishing house. The focus
of our work is the collaborative creation of journals, workbooks
and workshops designed to illuminate, inspire and inform the journey
of a woman's life. Our work is to gather women's wisdom to be
shared through the collaborative creation of art, books, music
and movie designed to inspire, inform, and illuminate the journey
of a woman's life.
At Will assists women
professionals — entrepreneurs, managers and women returning to the
workforce — in making positive change in their lives and the lives
of those they serve.
Creatrix Studio is dedicated to the development of visionary books and films that expand the imagination and celebrate the beauty and wonder of life. Our focus is on projects that deal with such topics as: Archeoastronomy, Mythology, Archaeology, Shamanism, Sacred Geometry,.New Physics, Ancient Civilizations, Sacred Sites. We also co-produce the annual Conscious Life Film Festival of Los Angeles
mission of Cybercoven is
to create safe space for all people and to provide a close-knit online
community that supports healing the Earth and ourselves.
Cyntax Foundation is a philanthropic organization established
to commit its resources to activities intended to aid in the empowerment
of at-risk groups of women and children in Southeast Asia. Initially
projects will be undertaken in Thailand, Laos, Cambodia, Vietnam,
and Myanmar - with eventual expansion of programming into the
Indian subcontinent. This work will be accomplished through initiatives
such as micro-lending, SME (small to medium enterprises) technical
assistance, and capacity building through education and training.
Daughters of Virtue and Esteem (DOVE) teaches and empowers girls to rise above life's challenges and mature into healthy, happy and confident young women.
Democracy in Action is a grassroots movement of women working to bring about progressive change in South Dakota and is committed to informing and energizing voters and creating a climate where progressive candidates are elected.
The mission of Earth Mama Healing is to assist and provide safe healing space for women and girls of the African Diaspora to gather to connect, release and heal. By conducting ceremonies, ritual work, workshops and retreats that will facilitate positive life changes.
mission of the Equal
Rights Alliance is to spearhead
the ratification of the Equal Rights Amendment in Florida,
and passage of the ERA into the US Constitution, finally. ERA Inc.
supports the efforts of especially females, but also males, toward
self-empowerment, self-determination, and full personhood by advocating
via TV, radio, and print, public speeches in each county before officials,
website and blogging, cyber-meetings, cyber-newsletters, and rallies
throughout Florida, the nation
and in other countries.
Eth-Noh-Tec builds
cultural bridges that celebrate diversity and create compassionate
communities through the performance of Asian and Asian American stories
that reveal our universal truths.
Fabric of Life Foundation is a non-profit international economic development
organization whose primary purpose is to support cooperative activities
that improve the quality of life for poor women and their communities.
The Foundation educates women in the cooperative principles of self-help,
thrift, social responsibility, education, non-discrimination and cooperation
among cooperatives.
for Conscious Living is a 501c3 nonprofit that
provides: Connections to help families find one another to create places
of belonging through self-directed community groups; Insights to balance
heart-centered parenting with informed living choices; Inspiration,
resources and support for parents to connect with self, family, local
and global communities; Networking resources to bring learning opportunities
and events to our local communities is an online community and hub of resources
and information dedicated to women's equality, justice, wellness and
Feminist Peace Network is dedicated
to building an enduring peace, with the ending of violence towards
women and children as a first priority. This group is dedicated to
the urgent need to immediately work towards providing shelter, food,
education, and a safe environment for women and children in all parts
of the world, as well as creating economic conditions to ensure these
rights in the future. A strong bias towards matriarchal thinking is
assumed. F.P.N. is a global network, open to pacifists and feminists
of all denominations, nationalities, and persuasions willing to share
ideas and work together across borders and cultures to achieve these
goals. At the present time, the group is open to women only.
For Freedom Now Project was created to
bring together like minds all over the world
to create a shift around
the world by
having people focus or pray
on the words Love and Gratitude
and sending this frequency
around the world.
Foundation for A Healing Among Nations' mission is
to generate healing among individuals, communities and nations; one
by one creating an interior and exterior experience of peace. FAHAN
works to create a world that is based on 'cultures of peace', which
is an ongoing commitment to transcend
ignorance through the practice and realization of love. FAHAN achieves
it's mission through collaborative community outreach, advocacy, transformational
training and media programs in the fields of preventative diplomacy;
joining with leaders and citizen volunteers of the world to shape public
opinion and build civil societies that compassionately invoke singular
responsibility for oneself and others.
The objectives of the Foundation
for Women, Law and Rural Development (FORWARD) are: 1. To engage in activities that support
the study and research of issues of gender equality with regards to
economic, political, cultural, and legal spheres, and to realize the
value of sustainable rural development; 2. To empower women by equipping
them with valuable legal knowledge that will encourage and enable them
to work towards a more just and equal world; 3. To follow the basic
concept of human rights according to the Convention on the Elimination
of all Forms of Discrimination against Women (CEDAW) and other relevant
international mechanism; 4. To encourage the founding of women's organizations
at all levels in order to further develop gender relations according
to the Thai Constitution and the Universal Declaration of Human Rights;
5. To promote creating a civil society where women's presence is felt
and their participation is equal, substantial and constructive.
to the Heart is a 501(c)(3) educational and
spiritual organization which serves as an evolutionary educational
model for holographic integration through the spiritual, mental,
emotional and physical bodies by way of offering awareness programs
that assist in the process of positive transformation of individuals
and their communities.
Gather the Women is a global
community of women
committed to practicing compassionate and
use of their
personal power.
and Development Action works to realize her
vision of an equitable society in which the values and aspirations
of men and women can be fully realized through the following organizational
goals: • To promote gender equity, equality and women empowerment
in Nigeria; • To influence policy-making and encourage
partnerships which work for gender response and people- centered
development; • To facilitate and foster alliance which promote
equitable and sustainable development in Nigeria.
Heartspeak Grandmothers Project began at the Whidbey Institute whose mission is to convene a global circle of grandmothers to give voice to their Ancestral Wisdom, dialog with youth and community, provide ongoing communication into the future, revitalize and preserve wisdom traditions for the sustainability of future generations.
mission of Hope
Springs Institute is to provide sacred
space for Feminist Education, Responsible Green Living and Transformational
work in the service of Healthy Relationship with Planet Earth, Global
Peace, Justice and Equality and Personal Development.
Foundation Trust (Pakistan) protects, supports
and promotes negotiated peace, democratic values and rights
of the disadvantaged children, youth, women, refugees and
religious and ethnic minorities. Objectives: 1. Demonstrate
social, political and economic viability of gender equality
and women's empowerment with the involvement of women, communities
and government and non-government institutions. 2. Mobilize,
educate and train youth groups, communities and government
and non-government institutions to ensure healthy development
of deprived youth & children. 3. Enable stakeholders
to protect, support and promote democratic values, negotiated
peace and sustainable development.
of Peace and Development working for peace-building, women and human
rights, inter-faith dialogue and conflict resolution of Kashmir since
1995 in Pakistan and as ASBL in Belgium from 2005.
Leadership is a collective of women dedicated to
developing leaders who are well-equipped to meet the extraordinary
challenges of contemporary work and life, and whose actions arise
from their “ground
of being,” that profound source of authenticity, insight,
and joy within every person.
Ndiho Foundation helps rebuild the lives of orphans as well as other
children and young adults who have been scarred by the tragic 1994
genocide and its aftermath. It creates within a unique educational
and cultural framework, the opportunity to build individual and social
developmental momentum and contribute resources, knowledge and support
to the recovering communities.
Sweet Company: workshops, retreats, keynotes and advocacy that
connect women to their inner wisdom, passion and purpose.
GFWC Kalamazoo Ladies Library Association
is primarily
a service club, actively involved in
promoting literacy and education.
Ministry is a global, spiritual community, a "church
without walls." We are world servers who minister joyfully from
our hearts to encourage all to express essential Divinity by utilizing
creativity. We are nourished by the divine grace of the one. We are
called to minister through good will, unconditional love, gratitude,
spiritual insight, intuition, discernment and humility all foster direct
revelation and enlightened understanding.
The Millionth Circle: Circles encourage connection and cooperation among their members and inspire compassionate solutions to individual, community and world problems. We believe that circles support each member to find her or his own voice and to live more courageously, and intend: • to seed and nurture circles, wherever possible, in order to cultivate equality, sustainable livelihoods, preservation of the earth and peace for all. • to bring the circle process into United Nations accredited non-governmental organizations and the 5th UN World Conference on Women. • to connect circles so they may know themselves as a part of a larger movement to shift consciousness in the world.
Women's Foundation of Taiwan concentrates on the advocacy, law-making
and direct services on violence against women, particularly on the
issues such as sexual assault, sexual harassment, and domestic violence. It
has been more than 20 years working on the agency's unique goal of
gender justice. Recent programs include some reaching
out programs for the victims who search for the assistance in the court
with domestic violence and others. The agency developed new initiatives
called court social services for the woman victim.
Dimensions Radio/Media is a resource for meaningful
radio and audio conversations on what matters. It is heard on radio
stations throughout the U.S., Australia, New Zealand, Canada, and worldwide
through the Internet. New Dimensions' programming creates deep dialogue
with people who see beyond cynicism, whose focus is to go beyond finger
pointing, people who are enthused and informed about the future we
can choose together. Its content are gifts for the mind, heart and
spirit that can last a lifetime.
Moon Media's mission is to help girls, ages 8 to
15, discover their unique voices and express them in the world
in ways that matter: through sharing their own poetry,
artwork, videos, and other creations; engaging in meaningful,
adult-moderated discussions; and challenging cultural stereotypes
of physical beauty, members build self-esteem and positive body
image. New Moon Girls is for every girl who wants her voice heard,
her dreams taken seriously, and her creativity celebrated.
Paradigm Energetics is a powerful system of Energy Medicine
Healing using free will and creative energy. Our organization is committed
to sharing and teaching knowledge and experience of humanity's biological
healing potential, the human energy field and the variety of frequency
realms that humans inhabit as multi-dimensional beings. Working and
d learning from people of all ages and backgrounds (individuals,
groups, communities), we encourage the development of our own and each
other's special gifts and healing potential. It is our ultimate dream
to see all people awaken to their highest creative potential and together
create the new paradigm.
Niger Delta Women's Movement for Peace
and Development (NDWPD) campaigns to harness
the wisdom of the Niger Delta women and to eliminate any form
of violence against women and to create justice among all.
mission of OC-Human
Relations is to foster mutual understanding among residents
and eliminate prejudice, intolerance and discrimination in order to
make Orange Co. a better place for ALL people to live, work and do
The Only Love Prevails World Peace Experiment is a movement to create world peace through a shift in consciousness -- a shift from fear to love. To date over 33,000 people in 171 countries have volunteered to participate in this World Peace Experiment and become a catalyst for peace. It's easy, takes only seconds a day and costs no money! Click the logo for more information.
Peace Company dreams of a world where peace is the
underlying value around which our society organizes itself. We are
dedicated to transforming the current culture of scarcity, inequality
and violence to a culture of abundance, mutuality and peace.
Power Integration Center is both a global community
and a collection of projects all packaged and manifested into products
we can 'sink our teeth into.' Our purpose is to provide tools,
resources and opportunities for people to connect to peace, power and
passion through truth. (500 members)
Ecozoic Center: Our philosophy is that personal
renewal and alignment with this Great Work is at the heart of societal
and Earth renewal: those knowledgeable and willing to undertake their
own transformational journey can not only transform their own lives
but also that of the planet. We see the development of new awareness
(particularly feminine and indigenous dimensions) in both women and
men as critical to this work. Greater consciousness requires a deeper
wisdom, looking to the margins or creative edge as well as to the classical
traditions and new science.
The Rural
Tribal and Development Organization mission
is: • To
establish educational institutions in Arts, Science, commerce, engineering,
medicine, para medical sciences etc. • To establish hostels,
homes for students and elderly people. • To implement different
multi purpose community development schemes. • To arrange
scholarships for higher education in India and abroad. • To
conduct awareness campaigns for the diseases like cancer, T.B, AIDS,
HIV and so on. • To
Rehabilitate people affected by natural calamities. • Any
other project approved by the Governing Body of the Trust.
of S.A.R.A.H.
are women who are committed to empowering ourselves, one another and
the community through our daily actions, dialogue, community service
and providing educational opportunities by conforming to the highest
values of all of our faiths.
San Francisco Women's Political
Committee, established
in 2002, is the largest women's organization in San Francisco. SFWPC
recruits and supports feminist candidates for office, helps women get
appointed to commissions, develops a slate card for each election cycle,
hosts events, and maintains the most comprehensive website regarding
women's political ongoings in San Francisco.
Scottsdale National Gender Institute mission is to establish a global culture of understanding, respect and equity for all men and women.
News is a bilingual, multimedia news service that
provides news & views
on gender-sensitive issues in Iran, placing global concerns in a local
framework and vice-versa. Shahrzad News also offers a free platform
to independent journalists (particularly women) in Iran, who despite
censorship are keen to publish untold stories. Shahrzad is another
name for Sheherazade - the narrator of 1001 nights. Like her, Shahrzad
News believes in the power of words.
The Shakti
Interspiritual Centre is a proposal to create
a spiritual sanctuary and international center for research, healing,
creative expression and social change, helping to bring the values
and wisdom of the feminine into contemporary spirituality and society.
It would serve as a base for an alliance of women spiritual teachers
and wider organizations of women and men working for inner and outer
peace through new integrative paths to spiritual, psychological and
global healing. Our vision is to create an interspiritual, integrative
paradigm that at the same time embraces the values of the feminine
so needed to bring balance into the collective consciousness today,
as a vital basis for world peace and transformation.
Our aim is to help increase the number of women in the world's parliaments
and also in all peace-building processes, including UN Security Council
Resolution 1325 on Women Peace and Security (UNSCR1325). We have
had thirty years' experience in training future women politicians,
and since 1990 in the implementation of UNSCR1325.
Fraser University Canada - Department of Gender, Sexuality
and Women's Studies: The department's focus
is on expanding traditional scholarship and policy analysis
by studying the ways gender has structured intellectual and
social traditions and by exploring how knowledge can be reshaped
when women are included. We also examine ways that issues
of gender intersect with other structures of power, such
as class, race, ethnicity, species and disabilities to shape
social structures and ways of thinking. An on-line radio for women to speak to women. Sister Space, is a developing global community for women from different countries, all walks of life, diverse ideologies, and cultures. Sister Space is a place where women can speak openly, without judgment. A place where women can learn, be challenged, network and receive support from each other.
is an opportunity for you to spend time in beautiful homes in spectacular
places and with the support of other like minded women and a great
staff touch the places inside yourself that need to be held, pampered
and acknowledged.
Sisters of Our Lady of the Missions
Canada are committed
to working with women, with youth, and with earth.
We work for justice
for earth and all earth's inhabitants.
Sophia's Portico offers a safe haven to explore opportunities for growth in earth centered and feminine spirituality. Inclusive of creeds, cultures, genders and races, Sophia's Portico seeks to nurture spiritual growth in an atmosphere of peace, freedom, dignity and justice. All seeking personal empowerment, supportive community, and emergent paradigms are welcome to participate in ritual and formative events.
Sound Essence Project, a Washington State Nonprofit
Corporation, is a collaborative international gathering of
people with the intention to create a cross cultural network
of resources in an environment of mutual learning with an
emphasis on cultural sustainability. Through the confluence
of our respective wisdom's, we hope to converge traditional
practices with sustainable ways of life to create a profound
partnership which expands world community and peace through
education, herbal medicine, sound, color, and cultural communion.
Southern Oregon Temple of the Goddess, located in Grants Pass, Oregon
is a center for spiritual expression and education for women and men,
focusing on Woman's Natural Spiritual Authority. We promote woman-centered
spirituality by providing weekly temple services, community and personal
rituals, sacred performances, classes and lectures. We believe divine
power contains all: female, male, animal, plant, mineral, and elemental.
And we believe this all-inclusive divine power to be primarily feminine.
As women heal ourselves and reclaim and nourish our natural spiritual
authority, we generate greater wisdom, creativity, wholeness, compassion,
justice, and peace for all.
SpiralMuse Mission: Connecting women, Shaping the world. In addition to circles other programs for women, SpiralMuse provides web space for women's self expression and a gorgeous Victorian home in S.F. for gatherings, circles, events, and more.
Spirit Dove
to promote peace around the world and to empower,
inspire and support women.
The mission of Steps Towards Development is to enhance gender equality, to improve the condition and position of women, to protect the human rights of women and girls, and to increase women's participation in decision-making and governance at all levels.
Tech Outreach of Malaysia: Reaching out to transform, enhance, cultivate and harness the lives of disadvantaged communities.
Tipisia Women's Group of Kenya: Mission is to empower women and give them a new earning opportunities (i.e., beadwork for business and not just for beauty).
Unity of Divine Love: Our mandala logo is a symbol of our wholeness and interconnectedness as a ministry of spiritual leaders, healers, teachers and lightworkers - all in service and ministry to one another and our world. We are an organic organization and intersect, flower and allow the LIGHT OF GOD to shine through us creating a beautiful kaleidoscope.
of Peace is an international, multi-faith, spiritual
peace and service network for women. We believe that the
path to a peaceful humanity lies through the hearts of women;
we must show the way. We are committed to supporting women
in learning to embody peace in all aspects of their lives
and to presence it in the world. (325 members)
Voices of Women is dedicated to educating ourselves and others on global issues and U.S. foreign policy. We believe that citizens, empowered with information and understanding, can advance the cause of non-military solutions to global conflicts. We believe that the voices of women must lead a worldwide campaign for peace.
Women's Circles with a spiritual centre in order to create
a strong voice in the world. Every women has a wise woman living in
her - we are coming together to invite the wise women to come out and
become an active force of love in the world. A project to initiate
the feminine principle in the world.
Forgiveness is a international multimedia project to
illuminate the path to compassion and unconditional love for ourselves
and others by: • Identifying
and Transforming the fear-based beliefs and judgments that cause human
conflict, pain and suffering. • Providing specific techniques
and practices to assist people in the ultimate transcendence of these
beliefs through the action of forgiveness, compassion and unconditional
love. • Offering worldwide resources to nurture the fruits of
forgiveness. • Creating community to support our process of forgiveness.
Global Connection, is a 501(c)(3) non-profit
offering a virtual gathering place for sharing women's
wisdom, experience, and spirituality for the purpose
of nurturing transformative change and building a just
and sustainable global community.
Using the highest standard in journalism WNN
- Women News Network is dedicated to bringing you in-depth international women?s
news not found in our current public media stream. Starting from a
writing assignment to cover global women?s news for the UN Commission
on the Status of Women in 2006, director Lys Anzia saw the vital need
to report the many times hard and suffering stories of women. WNN news
stories have appeared on UN affiliate and agency publications through
WUNRN- Women's UN Report
Network and UN-INSTRAW, the United Nations
Institute of Training and Research for the Advancement of Women.
NC is a non profit organization originating from the United
Nations Commission on Status of Women (CSW) and the United Nations
International Treaty CEDAW (Convention on the Elimination of All Forms
of Discrimination Against Women). Women NC is committed to empowering
women in North Carolina by engaging them with CSW and CEDAW related
activities. Visit website for more information.
Perspective Mission: To
provide educational experiences that inspires women to align their spiritual
and economic power for the compassionate use of money in the world.
Power Circles is a social enterprise company that
addresses girls' and women's hunger for a feminine power that is defined
by and for them, to connect with their mother or daughter without obligation
and guilt, to connect with their fellow sisters from a place of mutual
empowerment and support, to have their skills and time equally valued
and financially rewarded, and to gather with each other in Women's
Power Circles and Girls' Power Circles and feel heard, understood,
valued, nurtured and healed.
Resource Center of Southern Oregon University is
passionately dedicated to improving the lives of women in our community
through education and support services. We embrace a feminist model:
empowering women and men to actively stand against oppression.
Woman Wisdom Corp provides multi-media educational programs to empower women and girls worldwide.
Center, University of Vermont, supports the social,
professional, spiritual, physical, intellectual and emotional facets
of women's lives, empowering women to become active leaders in their
communities. The Center advocates, educates and provides direct service
in support of women's equity and safety at the University and within
the greater community, serves as a resource and assists the University
in creating and fostering a diverse and inclusive campus community.
Violence and Sexual Assault laws are in desperate need of reform. The
present law as written is flawed and not honoring the safety of victims
of violence in the United States. Women's
Legal Resource Foundation was
formed to be a nonpartisan organization to support the effort and petition
Congress for the revision of Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault laws.
The mission of the Women's
School of Healing Arts and Sciences is
to strengthen the bonds
between women and to empower women
education, networking and
mutual support.
World Connections for Women is dedicated to peace and social justice. We focus on human rights and sustainable development as well as education about and responding to violence against women and children.