
Conference Background

The first United Nations International Women's Conferences was held in Mexico City in 1975, followed by Copenhagen in 1980, Nairobi in 1985 and then Beijing in 1995. No future conferences have been planned. Explanations as to the reasons have included that no country had offered to be the host country for the conference, fear that the Beijing Platform for Action would be repudiated, burnout, and the latest explanation is the overriding involvement of the UN in worldwide conflicts.


UN Resolution 1325

This resolution on "Women, Peace and Security" passed on October 31, 2000 which states that women should be involved whenever there are issues of peace and security to be decided: in prevention, resolution, and the aftermath of conflict. Download the full 4-page transcript here.



Each of the four previous conferences has drawn increasing numbers of women together who inspire and learn from each other and form alliances. A 5th international women's conference could bring over a hundred thousand women from all over the world together. With the internet and email able to link women worldwide before and after the conference, the effect of such a conference on the women who attend and on those they can inform and influence is enormous, especially if the circle process is used. 5WWC would foster and support women's concerns and solutions for equality, sustainable livelihoods, preservation of the earth and peace for all.