Logo Symbology
The 5WWC logo, designed by Carol Hansen Grey, came to her in a dream.
She did not know at the time what it would be used for -- she simply
knew that she had to bring the vision of her dream into form. Once
the logo was created she offered it, along with a couple of other designs,
to a client who had contracted with her to design a business logo.
The client liked the 5 heart design but felt that another one of Carol's
designs better fit her business. Shortly thereafter Penny McManigal
and Carol began collaborating on a new logo for 5WWC. Penny's idea
was to create a logo that embodied two hearts intersecting to form
an infinity sign. Penny and Carol worked on that logo for a while,
never seeming to get it "just right." Then Carol showed Penny
the 5 heart design that she had sitting on the back burner waiting
for a home. Penny suggested that she offer it to the 5WWC steering
committee who agreed it was a perfect symbol for the 5WWC grassroots
The heart is known throughout the world as a symbol of love and nurturing and since women represent the nurturing aspect of the planet, the heart is truly a representative symbol. The 5 interlocking hearts, each a color in the rainbow spectrum, symbolize the unifying force of women from around the world linking their hearts in peace and love, as we work together to bring the full spectrum of LIGHT to the planet at the FIFTH WOMEN'S WORLD CONFERENCE. That light is symbolized in the 5 pointed-star that is automatically formed in the center of the hearts when the hearts interlock in a circle.
The circle of hearts is superimposed upon a larger 5 pointed star symbolizing the expansion of light that happens through the synergy of unity. Together both are superimposed on a blue-green circle symbolizing our Mother Earth. The Fifth Women's World Conference is a call for women from around the world to link hearts and bring their much needed light and wisdom to our beloved Mother.